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Happy and content dogs make the best companions. Every pet owner wants to make sure that their pets are happy and healthy, and this can be difficult if we cannot accurately gauge our pet’s emotional state. Our canine friends, in particular, are often quite closed off when it comes to expressing how they feel. 

However, there are a few telltale signs that you can look out for to determine if your pup is content with their current situation. Here are 5 signs that your pooch is feeling the love and happiness!

  1. Tail wagging: A wagging tail is one of the most obvious and recognizable signs of happiness in dogs. It is much more than a sign of pleasure– it also serves as an indicator of your pup’s emotional state. When your pup’s tail is held high and shows vigorous movement from side to side he/she is typically feeling joyful and relaxed. On the other hand, if the tail hangs low or shows little movement, then this could suggest that your dog is feeling anxious or scared. 
  1. Playful behavior: If a dog feels content and secure with his/her surroundings then they will likely be full of energy and ready to play! This could include chasing a toy around the house, running excitedly towards a new person/animal etc., or just generally exhibiting exuberant behavior through jumping up and down or being excessively vocal (such as barking or yipping). These activities should be monitored carefully however as too much excitement can lead to over-stimulation which can result in aggression or other undesired behaviors. 
  1. Belly rubs: Dogs often demonstrate their trust towards people they feel comfortable with by exposing their belly for scratches! This gesture is an indication of relaxation; when in this position they are vulnerable so showing such behavior means they have no fear in trusting you because they know you won’t harm them physically or emotionally. 
  1. Soft eyes: Eyes really do speak volumes! When we think of happy dogs we often envision pups with soft eyes; this means their eyes show no tension on the muscles around them and have a gentle expression about them which suggests contentment rather than agitation or distress. You may even notice dilated pupils; this response occurs when dogs experience pleasant emotions such as joy or excitement - both indicators that your pup is feeling good! 
  1. Panting: Despite what many people think panting isn't always related to heat exhaustion but instead can be used as a sign of comfort too! Contrary to popular belief panting isn't only done when dogs get hot – puppies actually use panting as a way to communicate that they feel relaxed even before learning how to bark (and continue doing so until old age!). It works similarly for adult dogs; if you noticed your pup regularly uses panting as reaction when interacting with people or animals then this could mean he/she experiences positive emotions during these encounters which therefore causes them to release endorphins making them naturally ‘high’ on happiness! 

So there you have it – 5 telltale signs that will help you identify whether your furry friend is having fun times filled with nothing but joyous moments… Remember though that every dog differs so make sure you pay attention to subtle changes in behavior too for more accurate results!

If your furry friend is exhibiting any of the following signs, congratulations! You have a happy dog. And remember, to  prevent those pesky fleas and ticks from cramping your pup's style (not to mention putting their health at risk), make sure to give them  GCP Flea and Tick protection chews year-round. They’ll stay happy and healthy so they can continue being the good doggy there ever was.
